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Skin Booster

All Elegance Clinic Facial Treatments come with Complimentary Facial Analysis. We use result-driven products with high-performing active ingredients for Skin Booster, Institute BCN & Teoxane.

Skin Booster is a different type of cosmetic injection compared to Dermal Filler due to the ways how they inject. Dermal Filler does restore or fill volume and reduce fine lines/wrinkles, Skin Booster, on the other hand, improves skin texture, and reduces fine lines, acne scarring, and pigments also boosting skin hydration.

Skin Booster is widely used in most Asian countries, as it is a non-invasive treatment to boost your collagen but may also prevent other undesirable skin conditions with regular treatments.

Meso-Gun used in Elegance Clinic is TGA-Approved. 

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Skin Booster

All treatments come with a complimentary skin analysis.

What is a Skin Booster? 

It can be seen as a combination of skin needling with an injection of Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins, and other substances which are beneficial for your skin directly into your skin. Skin booster is designed as an injectable hydration treatment, for rejuvenating dry and dull skin affected by fine lines and wrinkles. It integrates skin needling with dermal filler and various nutrients to make your skin firmer and hydrated. Skin booster, by using TGA-approved Meso-Gun with injections performance by our experienced nurse, delivers hydration and nutrients to the inner skin layers. The treatment can also improve fine lines, wrinkles, pigments, and acne scarring for a youthful appearance and smooth skin texture.

The effects of the treatment usually take up to 4 weeks and can last up to 9 months.


Before & After

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